Meet Crete
Sitia Airport Vitsentzos Kornaros - JHS
Lassithi area

Sitia Airport Vitsentzos Kornaros – JHS

Sitia airport is located 1km N – NW of Sitia town centre, on the crest of Bonda hill. It has been in operation since 1984. In 2002 the new runway was opened. The airport was rebuilt and since July 2015 it can handle international and domestic flights and accommodate small- and medium-sized planes as well as charter flights and private aircraft.

Regional authorities, professionals and residents of Sitia have high expectations that the Vitsentzos Kornaros Airport will boost the local economy, create jobs and promote the region as a tourist destination.

In 2018 the airport served charter flights from Norwegian, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Germany.

Location of the airport

For drivers using a GPS device, find below the physical street address and the geographical coordinates of the Sitia Airport. All you need to do is enter the following information in your GPS device.
Geo coordinates: 35.216936, 26.096385
Address: Sitia Airport Vitsentzos Kornaros
PO.BOX 7958

Sitia Airport Vitsentzos Kornaros – JHSAccess by car

Sitia Airport is located 1 km to the north east of Sitia town center.
You can drive to the airport using this coordinates 35.216936, 26.096385 in your GPS. The journey to and from the city center takes about 10 minutes, depending on traffic.

Chania Airport Ioannis Daskalogiannis – CHQ Access by public bus

Access to the airport is currently possible only by taxi or private means and parking is free in the airport’s lot.

Sitia Airport Vitsentzos Kornaros – JHS

Access by taxi

A Taxi from/to Sitia city center for 1-4 persons from/to Sitia airport should not exceed 7€, depending of course also on the luggage you have.


Parking at Sitia airport

Parking is free in the airport’s lot.

Car rental at the airport:

HERTZ AUTO HELLAS Tel: 0030 28430 29305

Sitia airport – Useful information  (last updated in 2019)

Official website of Sitia Airport

Airport Telephone numbers: 0030 28430 – 20151, 0030 28430 – 20161, 0030 28430 – 20171

Read about the town Sitia in Sitia, important coastal town and port of the east

Vitsentzos Kornaros – namesake of Sitia airport

Vitsentzos Kornaros is considered to be the greatest of all the Cretan poets and one of the most significant and influential figures in the entire course of Greek poetry. The son of a Venetian-Cretan aristocrat and a scion of the noble Venetian family of Cornaro, he was born near Sitia, Crete in 1553. Later, when he married, he came to live in Candia (now Heraklion) where he joined the Accademia dei Stravaganti. Kornaros died in 1613 (or 1614), just before his contemporaries, William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes.


Sitia Airport Vitsentzos Kornaros – JHS
Erotokritos (he) and Aretousa (she), the heroes of the poem.

Erotokritos is undoubtedly the masterpiece of this period, and perhaps the supreme achievement of modern Greek literature. It is a verse romance written around 1600 by Vitsentzos Kornaros (1553-1613).

In over 10,000 lines of rhyming fifteen-syllable couplets, the poet relates the trials and tribulations suffered by two young lovers, Erotokritos and Aretousa (daughter of Herakles, the King of Athens). Caught in their love for one another, their faith and virtue are subjected to various ordeals until they are eventually united in wedlock. Serenades, gallant deeds, secrets and revelations, jousting, tears, finger-rings, vows of unending love, fatal duels and tournaments all serve to compose the tale of the love-sick hero and his beloved.

It was a tale that enjoyed enormous popularity among its Greek readership and succeeded in making Erotokritos something of a folk hero.

Source: Hellenic foundation for culture 

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